Imagine you’re playing a game with your friends, and the rule is that everyone gets the same number of candies no matter how much they play or how well they do. At first, it sounds fair because everyone gets something. But here’s what happens:
- Some Stop Trying: If everyone gets the same candies no matter how hard they play, some might think, “Why bother trying hard?” They might stop playing altogether.
- Not Enough Candies: Since fewer people are trying, there are fewer candies being made. Over time, there may not be enough for everyone.
- Fairness Feels Unfair: Those who do try hard might feel it’s unfair that they get the same as those who don’t. They might stop trying, too.
- Nobody’s in Charge: Someone has to make sure the candies are shared, but if the person in charge isn’t fair or doesn’t work well, things can get messy.
This is kind of what happens in real life with socialism. It’s supposed to make things fair, but sometimes it makes people stop working as hard, and there’s less to share. That’s why it hasn’t always worked the way people hoped